Management system


In our sustainability activities and goals we take into account all three pillars of sustainability. We have consciously chosen this path, which makes international comparison possible and is based on a uniform standard.

Management system

As proof of our commitment to sustainability, we have had our management system certified according to ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and ISO 9001:2015 (Quality). The principles of sustainable behaviour are therefore enshrined in the Thonet approach.

Three pillars of sustainability

Three pillars of sustainability


We create atmospheric rooms that radiate values, purpose and identity.

Get inspired

Lounge: 808
Coworking: S 43, 1500, 2001


Together with notable designers and high-calibre development and manufacturing partners, our mission is to create products and sustainable values for our business partners and customers. A pioneer in furniture design, Thonet has a portfolio that includes tubular steel and bentwood classics with significant cultural heritage as well as new models that are as inspiring as they are timeless. This combination has made Thonet a respected partner in the furniture sector. We see ourselves as a supplier of high-quality products that places great value on iconographic design with high recognition value. Through active communication at brand and distribution level we are able to directly influence the awareness of relevant market participants. Our dialogue partners include architects, interior designers, office and home furniture retailers as well as influential private and commercial end customers.

Design icons

Management system
Management system

Guiding principles

  • All company employees pledge never to discriminate against another employee based on background, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation and to abide by Thonet’s Code of conduct.
  • All employees identify with the quality and environmental management system. All levels of management get actively involved. We promote awareness of quality, sustainability and the environment. Employees have access to continuing education in all of these areas.
  • Quality, sustainability and environmental protection are equally important corporate goals, along with the preservation of the company through responsible economic behaviour in the market.
  • All employees of our company put the customer first in all their efforts.
  • Our quality and environmental management system is regularly assessed.
  • We comply with quality and environmental regulations and continuously improve our actions to promote quality and the environment.
  • Energy-saving measures and the conservation of resources are key aspects of our day-to-day actions.
  • Waste prevention takes priority over waste recycling.
  • We carefully evaluate new product concepts to check the recyclability, environmental friendliness and sustainability of the materials used.
  • We engage in expert dialogue with our customers, suppliers and partners on all topical quality, sustainability and environmental issues.
  • We strive to act fairly and honestly towards each other as well as towards our customers, partners and competitors.
  • We preserve the environment by creating products that offer aesthetic and physical longevity and that can be easily repaired.
  • We offer proper, professional repair in our in-house repairs department.
  • Our apprentices are taught rare craft skills as part of our apprenticeship programme.

Our aim



If you have questions about the sustainability, please contact us.


From our Thonet Magazine

Thonet, Home tour with Dorothea from living.elements
History & Brand

Home tour with Dorothea from living.elements

Thonet, German Ecodesign Award, Bentwood chair 214
History & Brand

German Ecodesign Award 2024

Thonet, Revitalisation in the project business
History & Brand

Revitalisation in the contract business

Load more



If you have any questions about the products used or would like to know more about the reference, please contact us.




Information for the press can be found on our press portal.

Other inquiries

T: +49 (0) 6451/508-0
F: +49 (0) 6451/508-108



CAD data for individual products and factsheets can be found on the product pages in the product catalogue.
CAD data for collective download as well as reference pictures and company-related information can be found in the media database.