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Loft in Berlin

LOFT IN BERLIN A loft in Berlin convinces with a sophisticated architectural concept for which Brazil served as the common theme: A combination of closed and open spaces as well as plenty of glass and…


TOWNHOUSE As part of the renovation of a Basel townhouse built in 1912, the owners had the entire building structure returned to its original condition and comprehensively restore all of the original…

PBSA Table: The "Making-Of Story"

How did the cooperation with Thonet come about? The move of the Peter Behrens School of Arts – the design and architecture departments of the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf – into a new…


Tawa Yama, Karlsruhe-Durlach Tawa Yama is an Asian fusion restaurant, whose name means “tower mountain”; it is located in the Karlsruhe Raumfabrik, an innovative space for visions and creative work.…

imm cologne 2019

Welcome to Café Thonet – designed by Studio Besau Marguerre! Expansive, generous ceiling to floor curtains demarcate a larger outer and smaller inner circle at the imm cologne trade fair booth.…

Marcel Breuer and Thonet

Marcel Breuer and Thonet In 1925, Marcel Breuer designed metal furniture for various uses at the Bauhaus. In this context, the stool B 9 was created for the cafeteria; later on, it was also used as a…

Aqua Monaco

AQUA MONACO, MUNICH The young Munich based company Aqua Monaco distributes various types of mineral water, soda, tonic and lemonade made from regionally sourced glacier water. The company has…

Villa Harnischmacher

VILLA HARNISCHMACHER II Thonet as far as the eye can see: the Bauhaus villa in Wiesbaden’s inner city designed by Marcel Breuer in 1954 is an ideal stage for the tubular steel furniture he designed…

Promotion LUM 125 & LUM 50

Make your house even homelier with our LUM 125 & LUM 50 luminaire promotion. Choose between the LUM 125 floor lamp and LUM 50 table lamp. Using state-of-the-art LED technology, the LUM luminaire…

Table 1140, Five Questions for: Werner Aisslinger

This new design features solid oak legs, rounded on the outer edge in a quarter circle, as well as smart, unobtrusive connecting elements on the corners of the tabletop. The tabletop appears almost as…



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