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Solarlux Campus

SOLARLUX CAMPUS The headquarter of Solarlux, the company that has specialised in the production of glass folding walls, winter gardens and façade solutions for over 30 years, is located in Melle near…

Christian Werner

In addition to designing and developing furniture for various European manufacturers, he realises various interior design projects, e.g. for advertising agencies, apartments, stores and trade fair…

Home tour with Bodykiss

Tell us a little about yourselves… Anne: We are Anne and Daniel Henninger and we live in the southwest of Germany in a small village with a population of around 1,000. For over 13 years, we have had…

Home tour with family Joost

Your house close to Hamburg, with its distinct cubic shape, dark clinker brickwork and extensive glazing, provides a sharp contrast to the more traditional houses surrounding it. What design ideas lie…

Joost house

Joost house near Hamburg, Germany Architect Carsten Joost has created a home for his family near Hamburg, Germany in a modern cubic design with minimalist aesthetics, thus bringing his unique…

Creating and designing your home office

Clear design for a clear mind When choosing furniture for a home office, the combination of an uncluttered, orderly foundation, which can be achieved with the right furniture, and accent pieces, such…

Home in Hittisau

Home, Hittisau in Bregenz Forest, Austria A traditional farmhouse in Austria’s beautiful Bregenz Forest has been transformed into a contemporary home by its owners, an architect and a doctor who were…

Home tour with Villa Wow

Tell us a little about yourself… Hi, my name is Nina Tekampe and this past July I moved together with my small family into our dream house in the region of Münsterland, in northern Germany. Built in…

How does a design become an icon?

In one sentence: how would you define an icon? Ruf: An icon stands for something, it’s an embodiment of certain values, ideas, a specific outlook on life – a piece of furniture that captures and…

Original Campaign

Design originals embody the essence of their time yet are so timelessly beautiful that we want to surround ourselves with them for the rest of our days. Despite their renown, they remain the unsung…



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CAD data for collective download as well as reference pictures and company-related information can be found in the media database.