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Story From coffee houses into the world: A short history of culture Today and in the past, Thonet furniture has been a part of the lives of many people all around the world. Some appreciate them as…


Sustainable since 1819 Thonet has been a sustainable business since 1819. Our innovations in material-efficient manufacture using steel and natural wood have written furniture history. Thonet has…

Magazine Timeless

Nearly two years have passed since imm cologne 2020, the last furniture fair at which our Thonet team was able to meet and talk to you all in person. Last spring, when the world suddenly changed, we…


Homepage Company Showrooms Cologne Design Post Cologne In January, Thonet became an official exhibitor at Design Post Cologne, joining 41 other high-end international brands and showcasing its iconic…

Authenticity verification

Authenticity Verification Do you own a genuine "Thonet"? Or maybe you are not sure at which time it has been produced? If you are interested in a competent confirmation that the furniture you…

Authenticity Verification

Authenticity Verification Do you own a genuine "Thonet"? Or maybe you are not sure at which time it has been produced? If you are interested in a competent confirmation that the furniture you…

"Bentwood and beyond - Thonet and modern furniture design"

This time in Vienna, the city that was of great significance in the company’s success story: in 1842, the German cabinetmaker Michael Thonet moved from Boppard/Rhine to Vienna, where he was able to…

Chair 118: The "Making-Of Story"

in an interview with Sebastian Herkner © arcade , march/april 2018 Sebastian, how did you end up cooperating with Thonet? I already knew Norbert Ruf (Art Director, Thonet) from an earlier project. So…

Stedelijk Museum - ‘From Thonet to Dutch Design’

Thonet, the celebrated furniture company, is gifting three contemporary Thonet designs by German designers Sebastian Herkner and Stefan Diez and Belgian designer James Van Vossel, to the Stedelijk…

Installation Circles at imm cologne 2024: Studio Dessí "Welcome to Stay"

Thonet's roots lie in the coffee houses of the 19th century: the company's success story began where people came together to socialise. Today, as then, Thonet furniture can be found wherever people…



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CAD data for individual products and factsheets can be found on the product pages in the product catalogue.
CAD data for collective download as well as reference pictures and company-related information can be found in the media database.