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End Consumers

End Consumers Are you an end consumer? In this section, you will find comprehensive information about our repair service, determination of authenticity, and product care instructions. Should you have…


Services Welcome to our services section! Are you an architect, planner, dealer or end consumer? Then this is just the right place for you to be! In our services section we provide custom-tailored…

Architects & Planners

Architects & Planners Are you an architect or planner? Here, you will find direct access to our Media Database. Register for our newsletter and stay up-to-date with the latest topics. All CAD data and…


Materials The sensitive selection of the surfaces is decisive for the character of any piece of furniture. Therefore, we offer an almost limitless range of materials, allowing for an individual and…

Privacy policy

Privacy policy Downloads Please find here our privacy policy Privacy policy Contact Data Protection Officer Wolfgang Merz (zertifizierter Datenschutzbeauftragter) Südertoft 26 24986 Mittelangeln T.…

Retail Partners

Retail Partners Are you a retail partner? In this section, you will find information about wood bending events, access to the Media Database, and information about registering for our newsletter. All…

“6 for 5” promotion

"6 for 5" promotion You can find the advertising material for the “6 for 5” promotion: Downloads Campaign sheets Promotion sheet "6 for 5" E-mail banner E-mail banner "6 for 5" Ad Templates DIN A4 DIN…

Promotion LUM

Promotion LUM You can find the advertising material for the promotion LUM here: Downloads Campaign sheets Campaign sheets "LUM" E-mail banner E-mail banner "Promotion LUM" Social Media Reel 1 - LUM 50…



If you have any questions about the products used or would like to know more about the reference, please contact us.




Information for the press can be found on our press portal.

Other inquiries

T: +49 (0) 6451/508-0
F: +49 (0) 6451/508-108



CAD data for individual products and factsheets can be found on the product pages in the product catalogue.
CAD data for collective download as well as reference pictures and company-related information can be found in the media database.